X-COM Ultimate Frisbee Engineered for Ultimate Success

Experience precision with the X-COM Ultimate Star Competition 175g Frisbee at Flying Disc Store, a top-tier choice for ultimate frisbee players. Known for its outstanding balance and aerodynamics, this frisbee ensures every throw is pinpoint and accurate, even under challenging wind conditions. Crafted from durable PE plastic, its design promotes exceptional flight stability, making it perfect for both competitive and recreational play.

How the X-COM Ultimate Star 175g Frisbee Sets the Standard for Accuracy and Control?

How the X-COM Ultimate Star 175g Frisbee Sets the Standard for Accuracy and Control?


Looking to up your ultimate frisbee games? Look no further than the X-COM Ultimate Star 175g Frisbee. This top-of-the-line frisbee sets the standard for precision throws and ultimate control, letting you dominate the competition.

  • Impeccable Balance and Aerodynamics: Guarantees consistent flight patterns, allowing you to focus on outsmarting your opponents, not fighting an erratic disc."
  • Durable PE Construction: Cuts through wind gusts with exceptional stability, ensuring your throws reach their target every time, even in windy conditions.
  • Precision Response: Responds flawlessly to every throwing technique (flicks, backhands, etc.), giving you complete control over every throw for strategic plays.

 Key Advantages of the X-COM Ultimate Star Competition 175g Frisbee Over Competitors?

Key Advantages of the X-COM Ultimate Star Competition 175g Frisbee Over Competitors?

Forget about fumbled throws or discs that flip over and don't fly with frustrating inconsistency. Here's why frisbee players choose the X-COM Ultimate Star Competition 175g Frisbee. This section dives into the X-COM's edge over competitors, highlighting features that enhance your game and leave the competition behind:

  • Built to Last, Built to Win: Durability is your friend. The X-COM's robust construction can handle even your most intense playing style. It's a wise investment that will see you through countless games, making it a fantastic value for frequent players like you, typically these discs will last a long number of years.
  • Play Green, Win Big: Sustainability Matters. The X-COM boasts environmental certifications, so you can feel good about your impact while dominating the competition. It's a win-win for both performance and the planet.
  • High-Performance Design: Takes your game to the next level. The X-COM delivers superior playability, making it the preferred choice for professional and recreational players alike. Experience the difference and elevate your throws to new heights.

Versatile Use Cases of the X-COM Ultimate Star Competition 175g Frisbee?

Versatile Use Cases of the X-COM Ultimate Star Competition 175g Frisbee?

Discover how the X-COM Ultimate Star 175g Frisbee excels in various settings, from competitive fields to casual play. This section highlights its wide-ranging applications, proving it's not just for champions but for anyone looking to enhance their game or fun.

  • Become an Educational Hero: Imagine coaching a team-building exercise or teaching the science of flight. The X-COM becomes your secret weapon. Those throws become effortless, and understanding wind resistance transforms into an engaging lesson with this exceptional frisbee.
  • Light Up Their Game: Spark excitement for younger players and beginners with the frisbee's unique UV colour change feature. Witness their faces light up as the frisbee transforms in the sunlight, adding a playful twist to classic Frisbee fun.

What Do Users Say About the X-COM Ultimate Star Competition 175g Frisbee?

What Do Users Say About the X-COM Ultimate Star Competition 175g Frisbee?

Discover why the X-COM Ultimate Star 175g Frisbee is the top choice. From its superior performance to its unique design, discover why this frisbee is highly recommended by both casual and competitive players. Read on to find out how the X-COM has transformed games and won hearts across fields worldwide.

User Testimonials


  • Quality: This frisbee is built to last, showing off its durability and robust construction that withstands frequent use.
  • Aesthetics: Its sleek design and the unique UV color change feature not only catch the eye but also add a fun element to every throw.
  • Customer Satisfaction: I, along with many others, highly recommend this frisbee, confident in the value it provides to every player.

Ready to experience pinpoint accuracy, effortless throws, and unparalleled control on the field. The X-COM Ultimate Star 175g Frisbee isn't just a disc, it's an extension of your skills, elevating your game to new heights.

Don't settle for unreliable throws. Elevate your game and dominate the competition with the X-COM Ultimate Star Frisbee. Visit the Flying Disc Store today and get yours!

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Excellent Frisbee!

I wanted to play in the park near my place. It took a few hours to learn, but we love it. This frisbee is perfect, it flies really well, and is beautiful also. It is fairly durable also.

-Nathan Sutter


Happy Flyer

I bought the 175g Ultimate Disc for my son, didn't realise how good the frisbee was until it arrived. I ordered it a week before Christmas and received it with plenty of time.

-Chris Small


Love my new Frisbee!

I'm certainly not a pro frisbee player, not even really all that good, but I LOVE playing it with my friends. I honestly I couldn't be happier. the frisbee is fantastic. Absolutely love it!

-Bryce Lynch


A lot of fun!!!! UV Frisbee

The kids love it when it changes color in the sun. We have become frisbee fanatics at the park daily throwing it and having a great time. Thank you flying disc store.

-Robert Hansen


Lovely Frisbee

Thank you for this beautiful and well balanced frisbee.

-Karen Ellis


Amazing quality!!

Just like the title, really happy with the product, very solid and the reflective detailing is very nice and sturdy - this frisbee is going to last a long time. Flys well would purchase again and recommend to anyone looking.

-Holly Parker