Disc Golf for Advanced Players
It seems that every sport or club around the world, no matter what the activity might be, tends to bring its own lingo to the table. If you’re an established part of the group then you know what others are saying, but imagine the confusion of hearing “disc golf-rich” if you’re not well-versed in the disc golf community.
Whether you’re competing in an event or simply playing a round with friends, there are a few instances where you may choose to mark your lie. Keep in mind that the object you use during tournament play, typically a mini marker must be approved by the PDGA.
Just recently the PDGA got to celebrate a pretty cool milestone. Since each new member is issued their own number, it makes it easy to keep track of all of the disc golfers that have ever paid to be a part of the PDGA. In a true demonstration of the growth of the sport, PDGA number 100,000 was assigned not long ago!
As of 2017, there are over 31 countries with PDGA members. Events in Europe, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand are picking up steam, and the first event in Brazil was held in June of 2017.